Plumbing FAQ
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Epoxy Pipe Restoration
Does Epoxy pipe restoration save a building owner and tenants money? YES! Since pipe restoration restores a building's piping system within the walls, owners save thousands of dollars by not paying to replace their existing piping system. The costs saved by not destroying walls, removing and replacing pipes, and redecorating make pipe restoration the less expensive alternative.
Does the pipe restoration outlast a new pipe? YES! New pipes start to deteriorate the moment the water is turned on. Epoxy-lined pipes are protected against corrosion.
Can an Epoxy pipe restoration system be planned around the tenant's schedule? YES! The Epoxy Pipe RSE System restoration is planned as far ahead as possible. An updated schedule of the suites to be restored is published in the lobby daily. The process should maintain a tenant's standard of living.
What type of pipe can the Epoxy System restore? ePIPE Products are designed to coat a variety of piping systems in place. We offer solutions for domestic water systems (galvanized, copper, and PEX piping) and non-potable systems (chiller systems, fire sprinkler systems, gas lines, and snow melt systems).
Is the epoxy pipe repair System method safe? YES! The Epoxy Pipe RSE System does not use chemicals in its cleaning process, meeting US and International water safety standards. In addition, the epoxy used in the process is certified safe for use in potable water systems.
Who has used the Epoxy Pipe Restoration Process? Some of the largest companies in the nation have taken advantage of this proven and patented technology for many years. Some customers include leading hotel brands, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Department of Defense, the Governments of Spain, and thousands of buildings and homeowners. They have all used us for varying pipe repair needs, from corroded pipes and low water flow to complete repiping.
If pipes are old and fragile, can the epoxy pipe Process fix my pipes? In most cases, YES! However, in all cases, a site visit must be arranged with an Epoxy Pipe RSE specialist who will assess the problem and make the final determination.
Will carpet and flooring be protected when crews are in a suite? YES! The crews conduct all their work inside the building so no mud or dirt is tracked. The only working material likely to touch flooring is the food-grade hose supplying air to the piping system. If a suite requires special attention, ground covers are put down before work is commenced.
Is the ePOXY PIPE System the most environmentally friendly alternative? Yes, Epoxy Pipe restores your existing pipes, reducing the cutting of walls, floors, and ceilings normally associated with the most conventional methods. Epoxy Pipe reduces waste and strain on landfills. Epoxy Pipe protection minimizes the leaching of harmful metals such as lead from entering your drinking water.
Can I remain in my home and operate my business during the restoration? YES! The Epoxy Pipe process is fast, clean, and quiet and should not compromise a resident's standard of living. Commercial projects can be completed in phases over days, weeks, or months. Sections of the piping system can be isolated, allowing the remainder of the property to continue operations during the restoration.
What types/diameters of pipes can be restored with ePIPE™? Both metallic and non-metallic pipes, including copper, lead, steel, black iron, PVC, CPVC, and PEX, can be restored with Epoxy Pipe. Restored systems include domestic water, radiant heating, snowmelt, fire sprinklers, natural gas piping, industrial process piping, and pool piping systems. Epoxy Pipe restores most pressurized piping systems in your home or business up to 6 inches in diameter (152 mm).
How thick is the epoxy lining, and will my water volume be reduced? The epoxy thickness is applied following the manufacturer's specification and the Uniform Plumbing Code requirements, depending on the application and size of the piping. Your water will always meet or exceed the required flow per code requirements.
My water bill just went up—what Should I Do? Water rates are usually consistent. Sudden increases are, therefore, generally symptoms of a bigger problem. If your water bill increases by more than 20% without explanation (such as guests or a new bathroom installed) in any given billing period, it's time to start looking for causes.
An incredibly sharp increase is almost always due to a leak. If you cannot find the leak, check your property – water could always be coming up from a water line somewhere. Whether you can find the problem or not, when faced with a leak or even the idea that you might have one, it's important to call a professional early to prevent unnecessary damage.
How can I lower my water bill quickly? Every water-using appliance and fixture in your home contributes to your water bill, so be on the lookout for ways to reduce your consumption for each. The following products and practices are all practical ways you can easily reduce your daily water usage:
- Low flow shower heads
- Low flush toilets
- Only run your dishwasher when full
- Energy efficient washing machines
- Fix drips and leaks as soon as they are noticed.
These are some simple tips, but there are plenty more. Just be on the lookout for ways to keep water from running continuously in your home. The cost can add up fast.
Why do my drains smell horrible, and how do I prevent this? Drains are designed to prevent smells from coming back inside your home, so if you suddenly find yourself wrinkling your nose whenever you enter the bathroom, there is a problem. Fortunately, it is almost always an easy one to fix. The vast majority of odd-smelling drains are the result of a dried-out trap.
Every drain has a U-shaped trap designed to hold a small amount of water at all times. This water blocks sewer gasses from traveling back up your plumbing and into your house. When the trap dries out, there is no barrier, and you'll begin to notice a smell when you enter the room. The simple solution is to pour water down drains in your house that are used sparingly. If this doesn't resolve the problem, you'll need to call a professional who can thoroughly inspect your system to track down the problem.
Why is my water pressure so low? A sudden shift in water pressure can result from many problems, but the simplest solutions are often those related to the water line or shutoff valve. Check your incoming lines and the valve to ensure there isn't a kink and the valve is open. Another problem you may need help with is mineral deposits in old pipes. This is common in homes that last had their pipes replaced in three or more decades, and while cleaning is an option, you should also discuss the possibility of replacement with your plumber.
How do I keep my pipes from freezing? Frozen pipes only occur when the temperature around the pipes gets below freezing for an extended period. To stop this from happening, ensure your pipes are well insulated. If your water lines are inside, this shouldn't be a problem. However, outdoor or garage water lines may need to be wrapped in extra insulation.
Why is my hot water not working? For the most part, tank water heaters are good for ten years or more, so older units, in particular, will need a professional inspection to assess the situation and help you review your options. Replacement is the easiest solution in most cases, especially given the energy efficiency of modern systems. However, a broken heating element or sensor can also be a problem in others. Turn up the temperature setting on your water heater and see if it produces hotter water. If not, it's time to talk to a professional plumber.
Water Heaters
Is a tankless water heater right for me? There are several advantages to tankless water heaters. They can help save you money because they only reserve a tank of hot water once you need it. However, they are also typically more expensive to install than more traditional tank water heaters.
Whether or not a tankless water heater will be right for you and your family will depend on your home's specific situation and details. Our experts can help you evaluate your water heater options and make deciding what type to purchase easier.
When it's cold outside, will my outdoor tankless water heater still work? Tankless water heaters outdoors will still provide you and your family with reliable hot water even when temperatures descend below zero. Most of these water heaters are made to function properly in temperatures down to -30°F.
When should I replace my water heater? You may consider replacing your water heater for several reasons. If you're calling for frequent repairs, that's a good sign that you may be better off investing in a replacement rather than paying for repairs. Also, if you've noticed that your water heater isn't getting the water as hot as it used to or your water is taking too long to heat up, it may be time to start looking around for a new one. These aren't the only times you'll want to consider replacing your water heater.
Even if you have a water heater that's been working well, you may benefit from replacing it if it's over ten years old. That's because the newer models are much more energy-efficient than the older ones in your house. Whether you opt for a tankless or tank variety, your new water heater will immediately save you a considerable amount on your monthly energy bill.
How long will my water heater last? Provided you maintain the proper maintenance, you can expect your new water heater to last at least 10-15 years. Our professionals recommend that you have regular maintenance performed on your water heater once each year.
Drains & Sewers
How do I know if my sewer line is clogged? There are many symptoms of a clogged sewer line. The first thing you should look for is slow drainage of your fixtures. If only one or two fixtures drain slowly, it is likely due to a local clog and can be fixed with a plunger or auger. However, if the problem persists or you notice that all of your fixtures are draining slowly simultaneously, it may be because of a clog in your sewer line. In extreme cases, you may notice a smell if the clog is severe enough. Call a professional immediately for assistance in diagnosing the problem.
What can I not put down the drain? All products that can safely be flushed down the toilet will tell you so on their packaging, so if it does not say "flushable," do not flush it. However, avoid flushing any paper products besides toilet paper for general reference. Paper towels, napkins, tissues, and sanitary wipes are all problematic. The issue is that they don't dissolve the same way that toilet paper does. Instead of breaking down (something toilet paper is designed to do), they absorb water and grow heavy, eventually clogging the drain in the sewer line, if not in your home. Also, avoid flushing any food, dental products, or hair down the line.
How do roots get into the sewer or water lines? Because your sewer line is probably installed under your lawn, it is surrounded by soil. Normally, tree and shrub roots will stay in their area. The person who installed your sewer line likely did not place a tree beside it. However, over time, especially if water is scarce, the roots will begin to seek out a source of water, which is exactly what your sewer line is. In some cases, roots will wrap around the pipes – something that can be fixed with some careful cutting.
However, if the material used for your pipes is susceptible to cracking, the roots may even get inside the line. PVC is a suitable replacement for metal pipes that allow this. Proper maintenance will catch any intruding roots before they get too close. It will also help close any gaps or leaks in your line that attract tree and shrub roots to the line.
Why does my bathroom smell so bad? Normally, smells should not escape back into your home through drains. All fixture drains use a simple P-trap that creates an air vacuum through which sewer gasses cannot return. As long as that trap remains clear, it's a stopgap between strong smells and gasses entering your home. However, in some cases, the vacuum disappears. When a fixture is not used for a long time, the water in the trap evaporates and leaves an open space for gases to return. The easiest solution is to pour water down the drain to refill the trap. If you notice that the smell does not disappear after doing this, call a professional to inspect your trap immediately.
Whose responsibility is the sewer Line? Most of the time, the sewer lines located on your property are your responsibility. If a problem persists in the main sewer line or off your property, there may also be issues of city responsibility, but you should check with your local municipality first. Most plumbers and drainage technicians can easily find this information and help you determine what repairs you are responsible for in your sewer lines. It is safe to assume that any problems on your property are issues you will need to have repaired, however.